Test Piece: 288 Superlative Surprise Maximus
Judges: David G Hull (Chief), Alex F Byrne, Julia R Cater, Andrew M Keech
Team | Rang | Speed | Mark | |
1 | Birmingham | 4th | 3h15 | 83% |
2 | Bristol | 3rd | 3h10 | 79% |
3 | Ancient Society of College Youths | 8th | 3h29 | 77% |
4 | St Paul's Cathedral | 5th | 3h22 | 71% |
5 | Cambridge | 1st | 3h15 | 70% |
6 | Towcester | 2nd | 3h13 | 66% |
7 | High Wycombe | 9th | 3h22 | 65% |
8 | York | 6th | 3h24 | 59% |
9 | Norwich | 7th | 3h15 | 51% |
An extract of the winning test piece can be heard here (opens in pop-up window) |